Class 47s... a general workhorse.

I was never inspired by the class 47s. They seemed very ordinary but they have lasted well and have appeared in a good number of liveries over the years. Here are a few of them. We begin with the Virgin Cross Country livery seen here on 47814 with a down train passing Taunton in the late 1990s. Loco 47452 stands at Rhyl in the "blue" years when it was a case of 'if it moved, paint it blue'. After privatisation some of the 47s went to the freight sector. Here 47786 "Roy Castle OBE" stands in the up loop at Darlington station with a test train. Fragonset had a few class 47s and here one of them, 47703, is seen approaching Cogload Junction east of Taunton with an up train in the late 1990s. Freightliner's 47292 passes Clifton up loop on the WCMIL with an up freight as it begins the southbound climb to Shap Summit. In its original (heavily stained) two tone green livery D1503 passes through York station light engine. Note t...