
Showing posts from May, 2019

"The end of an era..."

There was a great deal of fuss in the media recently about the last HST to operate into and out of Paddington station. Anyone who had not taken the trouble to walk down Euston Road to Kings Cross would think that they are now extinct as a class.... however... all these pictures were taken during the past week, and since the "last train...." news stories!! A down LNER service leaves Doncaster station. A couple of days later an up LNER service enters York station. Cross Country still keep a small number of HSTs working between Aberdeen and Penzance. This one was heading south and is also seen entering York station. In addition... East Midlands Trains, Hull Trains and Scotrail still run HSTs across their systems. In fact Scotrail are refurbishing some of the trains which GWR have finished with and are about to INTRODUCE them into some of their Inter City services.

Freight (and other) activity at York.

The regular engineers train from Doncaster to Tyne yard was hauled by Colas loco no 56 094 (seen previously at Doncaster). Included in the consist were two GB Railfreight class 66s... nos 66 739 named "Bluebell Railway" and 66723 named "Chinook". The train was made up of flats loaded with concrete sleepers.  A new flow is the container train from Tyne Dock which is seen here approaching the station from the north.... ... the loco on this occasion was GB Railfreight's no 66 781 LNER and Cross Country up trains share space at platforms 3 and 5 respectively.  The old guard... soon to be replaced class 91 with a down train. ...and the replacement... as soon as they can prevent the units affecting the signalling and upgrade the power supply!!

Class 180s and others... at Doncaster.

All the class 180s now run through Doncaster. This is one of the sets used by Hull Trains. A Hull Trains class 180 standing next to a class 91. The LNER service had just arrived bound for Kings Cross. Due to wiring problems (again) near Retford it was terminated here and the set went north again, this time to Leeds. The driver is asking the signalling centre where he is supposed to be going next... and why. Another Hull Trains Adelante. The other TOC operating class 180s is Grand Central and this one is about to go into platford 1 with an up train.  Hull Trains again.  An AZUMA passes another Grand Central unit at the south end of the station.  Loco 67 012 in silver livery is admired (?) in the bay platform. Hiding behind an EMU in the works yard is 67 006, one of the claret liveried so called "Royal" locos.  The LNER services from and to Kings Cross are still in the hands of class 91s and Mark 4 sets. Here two Mark 4 ...

EMUs on the ECML...

There are very few EMU services north of Peterborough on the ECML. In fact there is only the Leeds to Doncaster service which operates on the main line from the Leeds line into the station at Doncaster... a matter of yards. The service is being modernised with the introduction of class 331 four car trains.  Class 322 units have been the stock used for many years. This one is entering the platform at Doncaster. Here one of the new units enters the station on a training run from Leeds.  It has run into the middle road between the two bay platforms.  Comparison between the old and the new. 

Freight at Doncaster.

GB Railfreight's class 66 no. 66 789 has a very smart BR large logo livery and is named "British Rail 1948-1997". It is seen here with a train of empty coal hoppers heading north through the station. This has recently been purchased from DB and was originally numbered 66 250... the last of the original EWS order of class 66s.  GB Railfreight again... this time loco no. 66 781 with an up container train on the fast line through the station.  Class 56 no 56 094 heads north on the through freight lines behind the station with a short train of bogie timber wagons.  Freightliner this time with loco no 66 571 heading north with three bogie tanks.  DB Cargo loco no 66 134 looks smart in its new DB-Cargo red livery and a train of bogie open wagons also in a new red livery.  66 134 GB Railfreight no 66 771takes the down through road behind the station with hoppers. 

Chasewater Railway.

A recent visit to the Chasewater Railway in the West Midlands gave me the opportunity to take some pictures while the rest of the family went on the train... Awaiting the loco at Brownhills West station.  As the line was originally a colliery line the railway concentrates on industrial locomotives.  This is a Simplex petrol shunting loco built for the GER. One of three that railway ordered which eventually became LNER class Y11 and continued in use at engineering sidings until the 1950s. Some coach restoration was going on in the workshop.  Class 08 was the motive power in use with two coaches and a SHARK brake van.