German variety.

Another recent trip to Esslingen in the Neckar valley near Stuttgart resulted in about 100 images in a couple of hours, many of suburban trains. Here is a taster of some of the more unusual.

An Austrian locomotive and stock head for Stuttgart.

A CFL Cargo container train heads South.

Once the DB flagship loco there are just a few of these left today. This one was withdrawn and, along with two others, was handed over to the DB Museum after withdrawal but has now been taken back into normal traffic allowing other locos to be released. This one is based at Frankfurt and used between Stuttgart and Munster.  All the locos at present in use have been restored to this livery which is their former TEE style.

Built in Russia between 1973 - 1982 for use in East Germany these locos (class 232) were built as mixed traffic locomotives but are now used exclusively on freight trains. This one is not one listed under the DB lists so is privately owned. It was seen passing Esslingen running light engine (although weighing in at 123 tonnes they could hardly be called "light").

Another East German mixed traffic loco now allocated to Stuttgart and used in the area on push/ pull double deck trains as seen here.


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