Class 37s at Taunton.

Living near to Taunton from 1995 until 2000 it was natural that the station was a favourite spot for watching the trains. Here are some of the class 37 powered freights of the time. 

37 886 (named Sir Dyfed/ County of Dyfed in 1981) in EWS livery approaches the station from the west with an engineers train. The loco was originally D6880.

37 715 in grey with "Mainline" transfers approaches the station from the east with a rock armour train for the sea defences at Minehead. This loco was named "British Petroleum" from 1993 - 2000.
It was originally numbered D6721.

37 719 (originally D6733) heads a loaded ballast train into the station from the west. 

37 671 named "The Pol and Pen" in Transrail grey livery waits for the road in the centre platform road (then not used as a passenger platform). The road is set for a passenger train to leave the near platform out onto the main line. This loco was originally D6947 and served with the SNCF in France from August 1999 until October 2000. 

37 673 (originally D6832) in Transrail livery leads an unidentified classmate through the station with a down mixed freight train.


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