A new bridge over the ECML in York.

There is a large area of railway land in the centre of the city of York which is enclosed by the East Coast Mail Line and the avoiding lines which is being developed with housing, industry and an extension to the National Railway Museum.  

The Railway Museum has developed a plan to join the two separate parts of the museum across Leeman Road. This will create a new reception area and public square immediately behind the station and create a nuisance for the people living in Leeman Road because it will block their access to the city centre. 

Because access to the site is via one of two low bridges it is essential that the new access road is built before further work can start. This includes a new road bridge over the ECML near to Severus Junction (where the fast and slow lines come back together north of the station).

Work has begun on this road and the picture below shows the ground being cleared and prepared. There will be regular updates as the work continues.


The fast lines can be seen curving away towards the station in the centre of the picture while the avoiding lines are on the right of the picture. These rejoin the main line at Holgate Junction. In between these two lines can be seen the old yards which are full of old coal bogie hopper wagons which have been there since the need to transport coal to the power stations finally died.

The contractors vehicles can be seen on the site of the new road which will join Water End to the left of the picture and cross the ECML at the point where it curves to the left. The road will then follow the line of the avoiding lines through the area which is at present full of the wagons. 


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